High Impact Management Consulting have been providing professional consulting and training services since 1998, helping clients rapidly achieve sustainable project outcomes with excellent results. Please contact us to discuss how we can unlock the potential of your organization and help you achieve success.
Consulting Services

Operation Review and Improvement
We have been facilitating different organizations to achieve remarkable and sustainable operation improvement results. Such as:
Dramatically shortened the order-to-delivery cycle time of a high-tech multinational company by more than 60%;
Enormously reduced the health check report preparation cycle time of a health care service provider by 50%;
Successfully reengineered the service mode of a non-profit service provision and achieved 60% reduction of man hours;
Significantly lowered the logistics cost of a manufacturing operation by more than 50%.
Interested to create the next success story?

Strategy Formulation
Many organizations face the challenge of hitting growth barrier when they reach a certain stage. The once agile and effective management systems and business processes can no longer meet the rising clients’ expectations anymore; the products and services can no longer be differentiated; and which new markets to pursue remains a question mark. And that’s probably the time you need to do a systematic strategic planning exercise. In fact, in this fast-paced business arena, organizations are recommended to formulate a rolling strategic plan every two years.
A young fast food chain enjoyed healthy and sustainable business growth after implementing its first strategic plan.
One of the largest non-profit elderly service providers won a prestigious quality award just a few years after formulating and executing its first strategic plan.
Interested to know how they did it?

Cultural Change
Corporate culture describes the predominating staff attitudes and behaviours, beliefs and values in a corporation. The collective social energy associated with corporate culture could be a constructive as well as a destructive force, all depending on the type of corporate culture you have.
How would you like the future corporate culture to become? How do you initiate cultural change?
A listed company uses quarterly theme meetings as a vehicle to communicate the importance of living the corporate core values to all management staff.
A government department organized a Change Management training program for all staff to prepare them for facing the challenges associated with upcoming changes.
An NGO initiated more than a hundred improvement projects within a year after implementing a cultural change program.
What is a cultural change program? What options do you have?
Contact us for consulting service enquiry.